We couldn't be happier to be a finalist for this year's Bristol Life Awards (two years running we might add!).

here are so many incredible creative businesses in this city, so to be recognised amongst them is an absolute privilege.

It has really been an incredible year for our business. An unequivocal highlight of the year was Arobase growing from a team of two founding members to add a third member of staff for the first time in their 5+ year history. Poppy Fitzjohn joined the team as a hugely talented illustrator with a wealth of experience, bringing more skills in house and contributing to new business acquisitions by getting involved in local networking events. 

With lockdowns easing, we were able to develop the elusive ‘office culture’ they had been denied since acquiring their studio in April ’20. Throughout the year they welcomed clients for meetings and workshops and, most importantly, delivered on a promise to provide working opportunities to university students and graduates. Six students from universities across Bristol and South Wales were given the chance to influence live client work and gain their first paid experience of working in the design industry. 

We also found ourselves involved in an increasing number of projects with greater social and environmental impact. First up, Arobase produced a new website for MyMaskFit - a tech company that produce custom-fit P3 transparent face masks from a face scanning app. Their work for MyMaskFit helped the company attract investors and source volunteers for product trials which would go on to help frontline NHS workers and health professionals.

Towards the end of the year, we were tasked with the rebrand of Fluxart, which harness the power of Hydrogen (H2) to enable zero emissions air travel. With Fluxart at the beginning of an implementation journey that may take decades, Arobase’s design work on a series of pitch decks proved to be influential in securing venture capital and getting investors on board.

At the opposite end of the scale, we continued to support local businesses and a notable case study was their work for Signature Sports which provide after school and holiday sports clubs around Bristol. They developed a new booking system for their website which had a huge operational impact - simplifying bookings for customers and contributing to a 42% increase in sales year on year and a 380% return on investment.

Always looking to add strings to their bow, we added a drone to their photography toolkit which gives them a competitive advantage and opens doors for commercial photography work in property, construction, engineering and several other sectors.

In addition to helping and contributing to local business’ branding and success, Arobase is also supporting FareShare South West, a charity that is fighting against hunger and food waste in the local community. Last year members of the team took on the Cairngorm 4000s challenge - 5 of the tallest peaks in the Cairngorms National Park within 24 hours. The gruelling challenge consisted of 25 miles and 2600m of elevation gain whilst all carrying 15kg worth of kit. In the end, Arobase were successful in raising £2909 for the charity, thus providing 11,636 meals for those most in need.

Overall, the year has been fantastic and to celebrate it in style at the UberGlam ceremony today is a massive win!